WA Wildlife Professional Development Training

Courses for Veterinary Professionals
Wildlife Medicine for Veterinary Professionals: General Practice Edition
This comprehensive course has been developed to equip veterinary professionals in general practice with a basic foundation in wildlife medicine for Western Australian species.
Advanced Topics in Wildlife Medicine: Hook and Line Entanglement Injuries
Learn how to assess and treat hook and line entanglement injuries in wildlife! With an avian focus, this course provides a basic overview of handling, radiography and anaesthesia, and comprehensive overview of case management.
Advanced Topics in Wildlife Medicine: Radiography
Improve your understanding of radiography of wildlife. Learn positioning techniques and how to diagnose common pathologies encountered in wildlife in WA.
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WWF Australia's Sponsorship
WWF Australia proudly supported the development of 'Wildlife Medicine for Veterinary Professionals - General Practice Edition' and 'Advanced Topics in Wildlife Medicine: Radiography.' These courses were previously available free of charge in 2023 thanks to their sponsorship.