Entanglement Injuries in Wildlife

Entanglement and hook injuries are a very common reason for presentation of many wildlife species at the WA Wildlife Hospital, particularly avian species. Treatment and case management is often challenging. This course aims to provide a basic overview of principles of handling, radiography and anaesthesia, and a more comprehensive overview of case management for common presentations. As this course is designed for veterinarians and veterinary nurses, you are required to submit your Veterinary Practice Board Registration Certificate (or equivalent) to continue. Students from both these professions are also welcome to to complete this course but will need to upload proof of current enrolment from their educational institution.

Course curriculum

    1. Common Materials Causing Entanglements and Foreign Bodies

    2. Basics of Handling and Husbandry

    3. General Anaesthesia Overview

    4. Radiography Overview

    5. Species Considerations

    6. Viability

    1. Line Entanglement

    2. External Hook Removal

    3. Internal Hook Removal - Non-Surgical Options

    4. Internal Hook Removal - Surgical Options

    5. Lacerations

    6. Wound Management

    7. Rehabilitation and Release Considerations

About this course

  • $40.00
  • 15 lessons
  • Designed for veterinary professionals, RVNs and students

Improve your knowledge and Help Wild Lives Live!