Radiography in Wildlife

Radiographs are a simple and valuable diagnostic tool in wildlife medicine that can be used at relatively low cost to a general veterinary practice. Traumatic injury is one of the most common reasons that wildlife present at GP clinics and obtaining good diagnostic quality radiographs is useful for assessing the injuries and viability of wildlife patients. In this module we will cover the basics of radiographic positioning for birds, reptiles, and native mammals, as well as some commonly encountered wildlife presentations that can be assessed using radiographs. As this course is designed for veterinarians and veterinary nurses, you are required to submit your Veterinary Practice Board Registration Certificate (or equivalent) to continue. Students from both these professions are also welcome to to complete this course but will need to upload proof of current enrolment from their educational institution.

Course curriculum

    1. Positioning

    2. Common Pathologies

    1. Positioning

    2. Common Pathologies

    1. Positioning

    2. Common Pathologies

    1. Radiography Quiz

About this course

  • $40.00
  • 9 lessons
  • Designed for veterinary professionals, RVNs and students

Improve your knowledge and Help Wild Lives Live!